I start writing from here. Beginning to write is usually difficult, but believe me, the charm of touching the keyboard makes it unexpectedly easy. The sound of the keys clicking and the transformation of energy into binary information!
I transfer what’s in my mind to this digital calculator… Because ever since there was a language to speak, there was an ear to listen. And ever since there was a pen to write, there were eyes to read.
I don’t want writing to be just a pastime for me. Though, fundamentally, everything is a form of entertainment for humans. I mean, we are always looking for something to set our minds on fire! And oh, if that fire dies down, we would destroy the world just to escape boredom. (The phrase “destroy the world” isn’t an exaggeration; we actually do it!)
Beyond the fire in my mind, I have more compelling reasons to write. Look carefully at the ceiling above your head. Perhaps that’s exactly why we forget how to fly. The bricks above me stifle the thought of soaring. I want writing to be a window—one through which my mind can escape, searching for a summer pasture to migrate to.